It’s going to be festive. This vegan seitan roast makes a wonderful main course at Christmas. But of course it’s also delicious for all other special occasions. Or simply on Sundays as a feel-good meal. For example, we like to serve it with oven-roasted vegetables, red cabbage and our fantastic vegan gravy. By the way, making it yourself is much cheaper than buying any seitan ready-made products in the supermarket or organic market. And it tastes better too.
The preparation of the seitan roast can be divided into several rough steps: first, a roast mixture is made from wheat gluten powder, also called vital wheat gluten flour, and other ingredients. It is important here that the mass is kneaded sufficiently to activate the wheat gluten and create a meaty structure. The mixture is then formed into a roast and baked in the oven. It is then allowed to cool. It can also be left in the fridge for one or more nights. For even more flavour and juiciness, the seitan roast is then left to steep in a hot broth after cooling, before it is finally allowed to crisp up in the oven, coated with a sweet and spicy glaze. The roast can therefore be easily prepared, so that on the day of the meal itself, not so much needs to be done.
As the main meat component, the roast is sufficient for 6 to 8 people. However, seitan can be used in many ways and can also provide you with other delicious meals. Thinly sliced, it cuts a good figure on breads and sandwiches, for example as a corned beef substitute on the Reuben sandwich. Cut into strips, we have also used it as an ingredient in soups or stir-fry dishes. The possibilities are endless. Let us know what else you have used seitan for.
Seitan Roast – Vegan Festive Roast
Dry Ingredients
- 300 g vital wheat gluten flour
- 40 g cornflour
Wet Ingredients
- 375 ml water
- 150 g smoked tofu
- 2 tbsp miso paste
- 2 tbsp Liquid Smoke
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp onion powder, or freeze-dried onion
- 2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp clove powder
- 1 clove garlic
- 3 tbsp beetroot juice, alternatively 1 small piece of beetroot
- 1500 ml vegetable stock
- 1,5 tsp salt
- 2 leaves bay leaf
- 50 g maple syrup
- 40 g sugar
- 2 tsp mustard
- 1 tsp apple vinegar
- 1 tsp paprika powder, smoked
- Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Mix the wet ingredients in a stand mixer until smooth. Then add these to the bowl and knead everything vigorously for at least(!) 5 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Shape the seitan mixture into a cylinder. Roll it up in a large piece of aluminium foil and close the ends tightly by twisting them.
- Now cook the seitan roast for about 1 hour. Remove from the oven and leave to cool completely, preferably overnight.
- Remove the seitan roast from the foil and prick it a few times with a fork. Leave to stand in the hot but no longer boiling stock for about 30 minutes. Remove and leave to cool slightly.
- In the meantime, preheat the oven again to 180 degrees Celsius and mix the glaze. Brush the roast with about 2/3 of the glaze and bake for 20 minutes. Brush with the remaining glaze and bake for another 5 minutes.
Song of the recipe:
A beautiful version of the American Christmas song by Fiona Apple.
(Would you like to listen to all the songs for the recipe? Find them collected in one playlist here)
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