Sick of having the same pesto again and again? You only know basic pestos with basil or dried tomatoes? Just try this easy spinach basil pesto! Because seriously, you can’t have enough pasta recipes and pesto is always a good option.
Ingredients for 4 servings (about 1,00 euro each):
- 500 g spaghetti or pasta of choice
- 200 g fresh spinach
- 1 bunch of basil
- 50 g sunflower seeds
- 2 garlic cloves
- 5 – 10 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp salt
- 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
1. Blend half of the spinach with basil, sunflower seeds, garlic and 5 tbsp olive oil in a food processor or blender. Add the remaining spinach and more oil (if needed) and process again until smooth. Season with salt and nutritional yeast.
2. Cook pasta according to package instructions in salted water. Serve with pesto and cashew parmesan. The remaining spinach basil pesto can be stored in an airtight container covered with olive oil in the fridge for at least a week.
Selbstgemachtes Pesto ist klasse! Ich habe noch nie eines mit Spinat gemacht, bisher nur mit Bärlauch. Ist aber auf jeden Fall notiert 🙂
Bärlauchpesto ist auch super! Spinat ist da eher etwas milder, aber auch lecker. 🙂 LG Andi