Golden milk not only tastes delicious, but is also a real miracle drink to get you through the cold, gray, wet winter. The turmeric milk warms wonderfully from the inside, strengthens the immune system and promotes the body’s own defense. And these are just a few of the positive effects. It is not without a reason that turmeric plays an important role as a spice in ayurvedic teachings. Presumably, the golden milk then began its triumphal march around the world through the spreading of ayurveda and yoga. Today we show you how to quickly and easily make golden milk from homemade turmeric paste.
For the basic recipe of the paste you only need high quality turmeric powder, water, coconut oil and black pepper. The pepper is said to help the body absorb curcumin better. Basically the oil does that too, because curcumin is hardly soluble in water, but it is fat-soluble. If you like, you can add cinnamon, ginger and a natural sweetener such as maple syrup for the taste. The golden milk is then mixed very quickly from the paste. Simply heat with a little vegan milk. Done.
Golden Milk Paste
- 8 tbsp turmeric powder, about 32 g
- 175 ml water
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 1/2 tsp black pepper, ground
- optional: 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
- optional: 1/2 tsp ginger powder
- optional: 1 tbsp maple syrup, or other natural sweetener
- Mix the ingredients in a saucepan at a low temperature into a paste and let it thicken a little. It takes about 10 minutes.
- Fill into a clean screw jar and let it cool before closing the jar. The golden milk paste can be stored in the fridge for 1-2 months.
Golden Milk
- 200 ml vegan milk
- 1 tsp golden milk paste
- optional: maple syrup, or other natural sweetener
- Heat the ingredients in a small saucepan at medium temperature, while stirring again and again. Do not let it boil. Enjoy your golden milk!
Turmeric very good for health as it controls the inflammation which is the behind of any illness. There are certain important points to keep in mind
1. The compound Curcumin is most important ingredient of turmeric. When we are using turmeric ,the curcumin.content should be in high percentage say 7 to 9. The turmeric having only 2_4 percentage of Curcumin may not give good result. 2. Curcumin dissolves in fat and it does not dissolve in water. Any preparation with turmeric fat should be added in any form like cheese ,butter ,ghee etc. 3. When pepper is added to any preparation with turmeric ,intestinal obsorbtion will be 2000 percent more.
Yes, that’s what we are talking about in the beginning of the post. Therefore we put coconut oil and pepper in the golden milk paste, too.